2. Conditions of use of the trademark

2. Conditions of use of the trademark

Positive Company® is the owner of the Positive Company® trademark under registration number 4943452 with the INPI.

The Partner undertakes to use the logo solely on its press releases, presentation brochures and posters, websites, job offers and, more generally, all communication media, whether tangible or intangible, on the express condition that the medium does not directly constitute a commercial product offered for sale or a paid service.

The Partner acknowledges that all rights, titles and interests relating to the Positive Company® logos are and remain the exclusive property of Positive Company®.

This right of use is granted free of charge for a period of 12 months from the date of receipt of the evaluation. However, Positive Company® reserves the right to suspend this right of use automatically in the event of non-use by the Partner.

This licence is granted to the Partner on a strictly personal basis. Consequently, the Partner is prohibited from transferring to a third party or other subsidiaries of the group all or part of the rights and obligations resulting from this licence. In the event of a merger, takeover, acquisition, assignment, transfer of activities to a company, or a change in the direct or indirect control of the Partner (the notion of control being assessed in accordance with the provisions of article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code), the continuation of the right of use granted will be subject to the agreement of Positive Company®, which may be refused in view of the change in the nature of the Partner.