Mesurez votre impact et valorisez vos engagements en devant une Positive Company® ! 

Le label RSE/RSO made in France

Discover the certification

A certification and much more...




A demanding and participative CSR certification

Created in 2019, the Positive Company® certification (formerly Positive Workplace) guarantees the authenticity of companies' CSR practices.

Our history is shaped by the desire to create real and lasting change, and we continue to inspire and support companies to adopt more responsible practices.

We invite you to join our community today, to be part of a positive movement for the economy and humanity, and to take pride in your commitment.

Benefits of the programme

A fast process 

It will take you 2 to 4 months to get your results!

Continuous progress

Benefit from a tailor-made action plan at the end of the programme.

A 360° audit  

Question your stakeholders and carry out a full assessment. 

Acknowledgement from principals

Positive Company® is recognised by the main principals in France and Europe.​




Acuitis, membre de la communauté Positive Company®

The Positive Company® community federates an ecosystem of companies, associations and NGOs working together on a daily basis to find solutions and inspire each other. 

The aim of the community is to capitalise on Franco-European CSR know-how and propose it as a development standard at international level.

+200 certified companies

And more than 1 000 companies use our standards free of charge.

Ready to become a Positive Company®?

To find out, use our CSR diagnostic tool and automatically receive your score, an excellent indicator of the maturity of your CSR approach.

If you get a good score, apply for the certification! 

Test your CSR level in 5 minutes!

Utilisez notre outil de diagnostic RSE

Join the Positive Community

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What the media have to say about us

Our CSR articles​

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